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Evolution of blogging, Retrospective and Lessons

...because with your OWN blogspace you can!

Be fun and be ahead of time

First Posts on the 2010-09-30 (WordPress, PHP)

"You better go read something useful, boy"

Default WordPress First Posts

"Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!"

/Auf Deutsch @ 2012-07-11/ Dies ist ein Beispiel einer statischen Seite. Du kannst sie bearbeiten und beispielsweise Infos über dich oder das Weblog eingeben, damit die Leser wissen, woher du kommst und was du machst.

Du kannst entweder beliebig viele Hauptseiten (wie diese hier) oder Unterseiten, die sich in der Hierachiestruktur den Hauptseiten unterordnen, anlegen. Du kannst sie auch alle innerhalb von WordPress ändern und verwalten.

Als stolzer Besitzer eines neuen WordPress-Seite, solltest du zur Übersichtsseite, dem Dashboard gehen, diese Seite löschen und damit loslegen, eigene Inhalte zu erstellen. Viel Spaß!


  • be professional AND a bit funny. Every good article must have a smile embedded!
    Every one can learn from books online how to be kind, funny and Oscar Wilde like.

  • As of 2023, estimated, over 851.4 million WordPress websites exist worldwide, with WordPress dominating 43.2% of the internet source.

  • Developer: WP is PHP and old tech. That's how dramatically the world changed. Why new program languages and frameworks appear and evolve? C#, NextJS... Be awake and adapt quickly!

Live and experience the cultures

Summary 2012 aka 10 years back

Schreibe Code, während du guter Musik lauschst:
/Write code while listening to good music./

Vitalic Official

Vitalic - My Friend Dario (Spotify)

It's still a rad track! (Author's note).

Source code highlighting on wordpress and wordplay

abstract sealed class Work {}

Designing a font-face and Gaming influence

A mix of the Online Game Team Fortress 2 with Design produced the extended font TF2secondary (some symbols copied from another font) to support Cyrillic Unicode Symbols, by a tool like FontCreator. Yes it's a lot of work! Endless fonts (including licensed with OFL - open font license) can be used as your style fonts, on your website!

The principle is same, even 10 years later (but the CSS itself developed in transcendent ways):

  • Upload /fonts/TF2secondary.ttf to your server.
  • Edit/add style.css to this:
@font-face {
  font-family: TF2secondary;
  src: local("TF2secondary"),
       url("fonts/TF2secondary.ttf") format("truetype");
  font-weight: normal;

This blog describes the topic in the depth.

CSS text justification: newspaper

While it's raining outside, check this CSS property, guys: text-justify.

text-align: justify;
text-justify: {type};

{type} can become a "newspaper" among other options.
According to the IE description, this would be the most complex type of justification for the Latin alphabet!

String Interning

The usage of references instead of copies of the same objects is called "interning".
In computer science, "string interning" is a method for storing only one instance of each distinct string value, which is supposed to be immutable.

This means that

var z = "bla";
var x = "bla";

both z and x refer to the same "bla" object in memory!

Wikipedia: String InterningMSDN String.Intern()

Versioning changes

Some products use(d) same major versions like 1.1029 forever. Office 15 Preview (2012) etc. Currently there are still many ways to use versioning. Unless it's a protocol (like v1, v2...).
A good approach would be just use year and month like


  • Any mix you like can be a part of the experience you share with a combination of "Coding" (in 2012 it was SoundCloud) alongside with photos, pictures, audio and videos (and soon 3D holograms) to make your content more appealing.
  • Developer: December 2023: Vitalic still have no redirect from http to https on their website. Amathron will reach to help!

Developer Notes

Years or perseverance

  • This "blog" did not just "appear" out of nowhere. It grew out of a hands-on combination of mainstream trends (a blog or even a WP-blog) with the sharing to educate and to help solving mundane problems of the "present". The basic idea is same since forever, since thousand of years - "sharing knowledge and solving", but the presentation changed a lot (in 2030 expect 3D-BLOGS like in matrix).
  • The keys are to connect with thinking alike (aka building a community) and to get better and provide more useful content really (and wrap your good looking content nicely!).
  • IDEs and Sharing of Code-Snippets evolved since 2000s massively. Before the first IDEs with code highlighting, the code was single color (you needed a computational power to render it, yes?). StackOverflow, IntelliSense, AI and everything is just starting.
  • Numerous aspects of Design include: UI/UX, Color Engineering, Logos, Vector Graphics, Animations (so graphics and kinds like transformation, speed etc.), deep CSS understanding (Grids, Layers, selector specificity...). It's mind blowing and must be shared and cared!
  • Explaining something to someone makes you understand it better (scientifically proven), so share and explain!

Takeaways 2023

  • Start your own thing NOW, experiment, put aims, find your purpose and go! Find your motivation.

  • As repeated before 4096 times, "Make backups!". This way you can have a good smile about your 10 year old offline data or make a refurbished comeback!

  • It all starts with "modern" technologies. The change is always there, so you must keep up.
    It's a "new digital aka. informational era" where you have to decide what are you focusing on. Language barriers, online acquaintances - everything is possible. Concentrate and focus!

Be brave, eat well, exercise.

Your Maxfucius, the Online Freedom Warrior.

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